
My summer wishlist

My summer wishlist, by Mikayla

1. A paperback Copy of Resistance by Jaye L. Knight 


2. A polaroid camera 

Image Via google photos

(Okay, so this one is rather far out, since there expensive, but I'm still hoping to be able to get one) 

3. The Tanglewoods secret movie 

4. Picture frames 

Image result for Picture frames white
Photo via google photos

(because no matter how many photos you have up, there is always room for more)

5. Radially by J. Grace Pennington


Whats on your summer wishlist?


  1. Cool! My summer wish list is a new iPod which I have the money for, but we're just to busy to take a couple hours off in our weekend to go and order it. And I also want some gymnastics lesson which isn't happening because of the same reason. lol but I can't complain. I'm the one who loves to be busy! have a great week Mikayla! :)

    1. Well, I hope you can get that soon! =D Ipods are awesome. =D Gymnastics are cool! I'm sorry you can't take them now, but hopefully soon! I've never been very good at anything like gymnastics, but I love watching it.
      I hope you get to do your stuff soon! =D
      Thank you! My week has already been made better with your comment! I hope you have an awesome week as well!

  2. I have a Polaroid camera, but, honestly, I believe they're a waste of money. You need to buy film every month, and sometimes pictures don't turn out well. But, if you still want one I recommend the mini instax 8! :)

    1. Yeah, I realize that there is some cost, and risk involved in buying it. I also realize that several of the photos would not turn out well, but I really do want one. I have several projects where it would be very helpful to have it for. =)
      Thank you so much for your advice though, I really aprechiate it! =D
