Hello people! My name is Nabila, and I will post here once a month.
Here's a little more about me:
Hey! You may call me royal highness but my birth given name was Nabila. I live in Houston, Texas, USA. I am a city girl that could never survive living in the country. I am currently 11 and going into middle school (which I must admit I am a little scared for). I am younger then quite a bit of bloggers but I have dreams and I will reach for the stars. Some of my many many hobbies include: reading every book I can get my hands one, blogging, reading other people's blogs, drinking orange juice, taking pictures of everything and everyone, trying to get my sisters to stop screaming in my ears, going to parkes, watching movies, watching everyone around to try to find out what they are doing or thinking, hanging out with friends, having debates with people about random subjects, and saying "yay!" for no reason, listening to all of taylor swift's songs, and singing my head of.
Learn more about my blog, Hot Town Cool Girl, below.
When I started my blog, Hot Town Cool Girl, I was nine in 3rd grade. And I have improved a lot a lot from back then. I first wanted to start a blog was when I was at one of my friends house. She was showing me her blog and the whole time I was looking at it things like "This is so cool!" and "Oh my gosh I want to do this!" were going through my head. It just sounded so amazing to me. A place that was all my own that I could share my experiences. So when my mom came to pick me up I asked her if I could have a blog. I tried to make my eyes very pleading, cute, and intelligent. She told me she would talk with my dad about it. On the ride home I dreamed about having one. Both of my parents already had blogs so I really hoped they would let me have one. At dinner that night I asked again and my mom said she hadn't gotten a change to talk with my dad yet. I kept asking and asking and asking. Finally after what seemed like forever (but was actually just a couple days) my dad helped me setup my blog. At first it was private like my friends had been and I was totally fine with that. It was actually called "Nabila Eve's Blog" (Eve is my middle name). But after a little while of my blog being private and only my family knowing about my blog I got bored. I wanted a blog that other people would see! So I asked my parents and they said it was fine. I was so happy! But then I decided I needed a new name. A better name. I thought about it a lot. But I didn't really come up with anything. I'm really bad at making name for things. As I was on my way to a movie theater I was asking my mom for name ideas. She gave me a couple ideas and then said "How about you name your blog Hot Town Cool Girl. You live in a hot town and you are a pretty cool girl.". At first I was very skeptical about this idea. It almost sounded weird to me. I got my mom to tell me some more name ideas but all through the movie I was thinking about that one name. So at dinner that night I announced my new name, "Hot Town Cool Girl!". Having a blog has been a very interesting experience. The topics have changed over the years with how I have changed as well. I learned about the internet the world so much. Plus I made some friends along the way.
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