
Ellie Grace #1

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My post today is about Ellie Grace. Here is our story:
So...I've been wanting a dog for a very long time and my parents have been praying with me about getting one so now for a story! My family and I went on a small weekend vacation on Labor Day weekend to a lake, our dog Riley had to be boarded because we stayed in a cabin. On the Tuesday after we came back my mom went to the place where our dog was being boarded. She was waiting at the desk for the lady to come back with Riley. Well, there was an adoption flyer hanging (I guess) on the desk or around that area. My mom looked and on the flyer there was a dog that was the same breed I wanted and it was a girl. She asked how much the dog would be and the lady told her and started to describe this dog. The dog sounded JUST LIKE what I wanted! The dog was a reasonable price and so my mom jumped in the car with our dog and called me. She told me the story and I was crying because God had worked out the situation so well! My mom told my dad and we set up an appointment to meet this dog. We scheduled the appointment later that week. We ran some errands that afternoon and came back home. My dad asked if we could change our appointment to that night because we weren't doing anything. My mom called and they said we could come on in. I grabbed a blanket for her to lay on because my dad had mentioned getting the dog THAT NIGHT! We hadn't got anything for the dog yet obviously since we had just heard about it that morning. We arrived and waited in the waiting room. I was quite nervous. We went into a small room and they brought her in. She had been coughing because of a cold and she had been going through some treatments that month. She soaked up attention and love. Right then and there I knew that this was THE dog. God had set out the perfect opportunity for me to get the dog. It wasn't in my timing but He worked everything out just so perfect. A lady came in to get her ready and said that she was still a little contagious and she had another treatment the next month...so we would have to wait a WHOLE WEEK! I wasn't disappointed or anything. We went shopping for some toys and things. My mom said that she would take me to go see her anytime, so I wanted to go see her later that week and we called to see if we could come in and see her. Well, they said that she wasn't doing well and that she was put on fluids. I cried and cried because I didn't know if or when I was going to take this blessing home. That whole weekend I prayed and prayed that God would comfort her and heal her. We called the vet and they said that the dog was doing SO MUCH BETTER! Prayers had been answered again! I was anxiously waiting for them to call again and tell me when I could take her home. They called the next day, but we weren't home so they left a message and Ellie was ready to come! So she has been here about a day now! I'll show y'all some pics soon! She is so cuddly and through this I'm understanding more and more that God is SO faithful!

She loves to cuddle! She enjoys playing ball and being outdoors.

 If you talk or make a noise she looks up at you.

She is such a blessing!

Hope you enjoyed!

I will have more pictures for another Ellie Grace #2!

Thanks for reading!

Until next time,


  1. That's so awesome! Our dogs were definitely an answer to our prayers. <3

    Is Ellie Grace a beagle? One of our dogs we use to have was a beagle and I loved him a lot. :)

    1. They are answers to prayers! Ellie is a beagle and basset hound mix.

      Allie D.
